Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Google Docs

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Convert Markah Kuiz dan Tugasan kepada Peratusan

Untuk memasukkan markah Kuiz dan Tugasan ZT1033/1043, SMPWeb memerlukan kita untuk convert markah yang sedia ada iaitu Kuiz (out of 10%) dan Tugasan (out of 30%) Ini bermakna kalau pelajar mendapat 20/30 dalam tugasan, dalam SMPWeb, kita kena letak 66.67%. Macamana nak kira ni? Kira tak ada masalah, siapa-siapa saja boleh kira, pakai kalkulator, kiralah satu-satu. Ni ayahlong nak cakap ni, sebenarnya ada cara yang TERAMAT MUDAH, boleh selesai beratus-ratus pelajar dalam masa kurang daripada 5 SAAT. Sila tonton videoklip di bawah:

Friday, October 23, 2009

Maklumbalas Berbentuk Audio

Biasanya dalam sesi perundingan pelajar, pelajar akan datang dan tanya soalan, antaranya berkaitan dengan tugasan. Pelajar ayahlong selalu hantar melalui e-mail atau YM draft cadangan penyelidikan, lepas tu ayahlong kena bagi komen. Komen banyak diberi dalam bentuk bertulis samada ditulis terus dalam email (reply) atau menggunakan fungsi review dalam word di mana ayahlong insert komen dalam dialog box atau balloon warna merah.

Ayahlong terfikir kita sebenarnya boleh jimatkan masa dengan merekodkan maklumbalas menggunakan perisian seperti Audicity, Camtasia, Recordr atau Say n Post . Untuk audio saja gunalah Audicity atau Say-and-post tapi jika melibatkan grafik, Camtasia adalah terbaik. Kalau soalan yang sama ditanya, cuma hantar fail maklumbalas audio, jadi tak perlu ulang banyak kali. Ada tak sapa-sapa ada idea, kalau boleh nak ada widget, jadi ayahlong boleh letak dalam blog.

Sesi Pembelajaran Online

Baru-baru ini pihak MENTION, FSSK UKM telah meminta kebenaran saya untuk menggunakan dewan kuliah yg sepatutnya saya gunakan untuk kuliah Kemahiran Membuat Keputusan. Persoalannya ialah mana saya nak cari dean kuliah lain. Apa yang saya lakukan ialah membuat sesi pembelajaran online. Saya ada beberapa option, antaranya ialah menggunakan forum online Nicenet atau menggunakan blog kursus. Pada paginya saya prepare soalan berkaitan Weighted Ranking Technique dan saya schedulekan dalam blog supaya ianya dipublish dalam blog tepat jam 10 pagi iaitu waktu sepatutnya ada kuliah. Sila lihat soalan . Para pelajar perlu hantar hasil kerja mereka melalui e-mail pada jam 12 tengahari iaitu masa sepatutnya sesi berakhir. Semasa latihan mereka boleh berkonsultasi dengan saya secara online menggunakan Yahoo Messenger (ID saya ialah ayahlong_azm).
Ada tak sesiapa yang boleh cadangkan idea-idea atau cara-cara atau perisian-perisian yang lebih menarik lagi. Ayahlong fikir sekiranya pensyarah bercuti, sesi pembelajaran masih boleh diteruskan, bukan berbentuk kuliah tetapi lebih kepada latihan dan tutoran.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Defeat the "test-wise" strategies of students who don't study

The whole point of testing is to encourage learning. If students can guess the answers to a test, they will not study for it. Therefore, to motivate students to study and learn, one must design quiz items that are not easily guessed without good studying. One must also design a test so that answers are not obvious to the student who has merely skimmed the assignment, or studied only highlighted words, or read only summaries.

In order not to encourage superficial studying, one must defeat the common "rules of thumb" which students use to guess correct answers. When these are eliminating, learning the material becomes the easiest way to pass a quiz.

Rule of thumb: "Pick the longest answer."
Way to defeat this strategy: make sure the longest answer is right about a fifth of the time (if there are five alternatives for each question)

Rule of thumb: "Pick the 'b' alternative."
Way to defeat this strategy: make sure each answer is used the same number of times, in random order.

Rule of thumb: "Never pick an answer which uses the word 'always' or 'never' in it."
Way to defeat this strategy: make sure such answers are correct about a fifth of the time

Rule of thumb: "If there are two answers which express opposites, pick one or the other and ignore other alternatives."
Way to defeat this strategy: sometimes offer opposites when neither is correct.

Rule of thumb: "If in doubt, guess."
Way to minimize the impact of this strategy: use five alternatives instead of three or four

Rule of thumb: "Pick the scientific-sounding answer."
Way to defeat this strategy: use scientific sounding jargon in wrong answers

Rule of thumb: "Don't pick an answer which is too simple or obvious."
Way to defeat this strategy: sometimes make the simple, obvious answer the correct one.

Rule of thumb: "Pick a word which you remember was related to the topic."
Way to defeat this strategy: when drawing up distracters (wrong answers) use terminology from the same area of the text as the right answer, but in distracters use those words incorrectly so the wrong answers are definitely wrong.

Source: http://www.psychwww.com/selfquiz/aboutq.htm

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Random Function in Excel

Excel has two useful volatile functions that will produce random numbers. It has the RAND function, which returns an evenly distributed random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. It also has the RANDBETWEEN function, which returns a random number between the numbers you specify.

*A Volatile function is a function that recalculates when you enter any data into any cell, or take any other action. One of the few exceptions is changing the format of a cell.

For example:



will produce a random number between 0 and 1. If you want a higher range you can use:


If you want only whole numbers you can use:




Will produce a random whole number between 1 and 500.

As you can see, both can produce pretty much any sort of random number. But what if you have a list of names and you want to select one at random? It easier than you may think! Follow these simple steps;

1. Enter a list of names in column A
2. Now enter the formula below in the cell you want the random name returned.


This will pick a name at random from your list in column A. It will also be dynamic in that when/if you add/remove names from the list they will automatically be included/excluded.

If you have a table of data (more than 1 column) and you wish to select an item at random from the table, you could use:


This assumes your table 3 columns wide, hence; $A:$C and RANDBETWEEN(1,3) and we do not want row 1 includes as it contains headings, hence; COUNTA($A2:$A65536)


Monday, November 24, 2008

Toyol Cium Hantu

Mnemonik ialah alat untuk membantu minda untuk mengingat sesuatu fakta. Di sekolah anak saya, seorang guru sains mendapati kanak-kanak mempunyai masalah untuk mengeja perkataan "SWITCH", ada yang mengeja "SWICTH", "SWTICH", "SWICHT". Guru tersebut mempunyai idea yang baik, katanya "SWI, Toyol Cium Hantu". Selepas daripada itu, tidak ada lagi murid yang tersilap mengeja perkataan SWITH.

Dalam kelas saya, saya memberikan panduan untuk mengingat pencipta teori-teori emosi berasaskan evolusi iaitu "Pakcik Tumbuk Izat" iaitu Plutchik, Tomkins dan Izard. Un tuk mengingat Teori Kognitif pula, saya bagi panduan "shamil misai terangkat macam Paisal" iaitu schahter, missattribution, transfer of excitation, cognitive appraisal

Mnemonik-mnemonik lain ialah seperti berikut:

Planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pickles

The colors in the spectrum, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, remember the name 'Roy G. Biv'

The forms of government: Communism, Democracy, Republic, Oligarchy, Monarchy. Same as acronym Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM).